Monday, November 21, 2011


The snow is gone, the stove is back to normal after the chimney sweep flushed out the flue. Seems amazing that it has been several weeks since those events piled on and were taken care of. All that remains is for the snowblower folks to pick up the machine and fix the auger so that it is ready for the real season.

One of the real bonuses of this wild weather with all its wind has been that 90% of the leaves in our yard blew either into the woods or next door. My neighbor has some pretty huge Maples and also some serious tractor equipment to deal with it, so while I feel a tinge of guilt it soon goes away. This past weekend the final mow mulched what was left and readies the yard to be buried in snow. Fortunately that was Saturday.

On Sunday I was up early readying for a nice long run before I needed to be back for church. The weather and darkness and just general busyness has made running tough. Carving out an hour or so a couple times a week to hit the treadmills at the gym is tough but I'd been able to do it the last few days so I was eager to rack up some more miles, less I fall behind by goals.

So out I go, changing the route from the day before to avoid facing the wind and feeling a little the miles of the past few days but I persevere. Rounding the curve I see a car turning on to the road facing me and being a courteous runner I head off the road to the sidewalk. That is when it happened.

The twinge in the foot, the dip in the pavement both happening at the same split second and down I go. First the knees and then the near forward motion face plant into the pavement and gravel. Yeooooch!!!

I must have been a sight as the driver pulled over and nicely asked, "sir, are you all-right?" Mortified and a little in shock I scurry to my feet and send him on his way with thanks for stopping. Then I assess. Hands and knees scraped, feeling the blood running and that twinge in the foot now hurts. Nothing seems broken, just serious bruises and scrapes. The running tights are torn at the knee and who knows that it looks like underneath. Crap and those are my good cold weather gear.

It is then that I recall that I am 2 miles from home. Well so much for making distance, I'll be lucky to make it home. But walking then trotting to speed up the return I hobbled home.

The last time I fell like this was the last time I used my roller blades and hit a rock than ended with me wrenching my back and bruising my tailbone and retiring me from that sport.

Back home I assessing the damage and peeling back the torn fabric to reveal the embedded gravel and while some might immediately think I was lucky at my age not to be more injured, what really came to mind was, cool I'm not that bad given the spill and my age and I'm in better shape that I was the last time this happened. I'll recover and be back out there.

So the rest of Sunday was spent bandaging the scrapes and icing and elevating the foot to get the swelling down and keep it down. The tear in the tights will provide a Christmas gift opportunity and I can still keep these in reserve.

Today as I expected, the second wave of pain arrives. The sore arms and shoulders that supported me in my skid; the gashes on the knees and hands that hurt and are stiff and aggravated by the bandages that make bending the knee hurt. But by the end of the day I am thinking I might be able to get some mild treadmill time in on Friday to loosen things up. We will see.


janet said...

How awful! I hope you are healing well and feeling better by now. Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Oh my Goodness Jeff!!! So glad you werent hurt worse and are feeling better. Guess it's been about a week now. Are you good to go now??
looks like you got a lot of snow!! E-Gads, it's just too early for snow!! We've had 2 freezes and a tiny bit of snow flurries for about 20 min, you could barely see.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful, wild and crazy Thanksgiving!! All the kids are home and life is good!! Right?! ...debbie

Jeff- in the Berkshires said...

Thanks, I am healing slowly and went out for a mile run yesterday and will hit the gym today.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Anonymous said...

hope you're feeling better jeff!

Jeff- in the Berkshires said...

Thanks Casey- leg and hand wounds are just about healed- the miracle of the body's healing abilities. The foot twinges a bit but I've built back up to 4 mile runs which isn't bad for me this time of year.