Sunday, February 28, 2010

The most descriptive word I have heard to describe the way it has looked the last few days is "Narnia"

Snow hangs heavy on the trees and while the snow falls took a rest for most of yesterday it is back at it as I write now. Like Narnia, spring is in the air but winter is not ready to let up its grip. Mid last week we got 6-8 inches then the next day another 5 then a day and a half of rain reduced the piles by half and then another 8 inches on Friday with some pretty serious wind. Had all that rain been snow, the piles would easily be at the 3 foot mark.

So how much snow do we have? With the pluses and the minuses and the double pluses that is too much of a math problem for so early in the morning. But I'd eyeball it at 8 inches that is left.

This seems like this is the most snow we've had this year but definitely not of all the dozen years we've been here. Reminiscing last night about the snow caves the kids would build in the drifts, there has been at least another foot or so a accumulation that would need to be there to match the high points.

But spring is in the air. The morning light is stronger, the afternoon light stays longer. February is over, the longest shortest darkest month is past. Soon it will be time to patch the multitude of potholes, but that is a post in itself.


Anonymous said...

potholes...this is the first time i've been back home during the winter for a few years, and the lousy condition of the roads surprised me...i think the dpw folks and the multitude of landscapers need a remedial plowing lesson so they stop tearing up the roads...

Jeff- in the Berkshires said...

Hi Casey,
Hope you are all enjoying your visit.

This is the strangest year for potholes. Even roads and driveways that were newly paved seem to be buckling and heaving. It's got to be the weather.
I seem to be bouncing more and more along the road each day.


Anonymous said...

Had to chuckle at your saying that is looks like Narnia. Your right! it does. I like all the Narnia movies and it seems like to me another one should be made soon!! Especially your photo, it does look just like a scene in Narnia. lol! All our snow has melted! Today is the first day we have seen the sun in probably 2 1/2 weeks..and the sky is so so blue! Temp. outside is a blazing 39! We too, have many deep potholes, or long patches where the salt has eaten away the road and the snowplows rip it further apart. Hopefully there will be money left to fill them this summer...hopefully....debbie