I have learned over the past year not to write, at least for this blog, when I am very tired. I tend to complain more and give off a more negative perception that I later regret. I also limit my desriptions of work when talking with family and friends in general. This is my down cycle on the work roller coaster but I know that it will again go up and the rush, again from the addrenilin, really triggers my ADD tenancies, making for a wild ride but keeps me juggling, passing off and taking on over a dozen of so balls without dropping a one.
So for today I will let some new photos be my voice. My new camera is working, all connected and I know a little of how to work it. It is a welcome respite. Camera, cord and memory card and I've kept it below $25 and as I've researched, the camera was a steal.
Friday is my first 5k. I figure if I can now run 5-6 miles without stopping I can at least finish the race. So if I can keep the addrenilin going 'til then I'm probably fine. Then by Saturday I'll crash. But then it is off to the Cape for several days. Yeah! Perhaps we will meet some folks known only by name from the Caleb blog, but I guess that will be by chance.
Hi Jeff,
Glad to see you have a camera again! nice photos. I will be thinking of you on your race on Friday. You must be so excited (and nervous). I was supposed to run my first 5k this weekend too, but I have to work.
Your posts are beautiful, you shouldn't regret any of them even if you think they are negative. That's what makes them real- your honesty, and range of emotions. I admire your ability to be genuine and sincere in your writing, I find myself drawn to your blog and inspired by it (as well as your posts on Calebs blog)
You have been such a staple on Caleb's blog I bet anyone on there would love to meet you and your family! Start at the Wellfleet Spirits Shop (Kevin), and maybe have lunch at the Juice (just about any of the 20 something crowd), you can find CH DAD (Sky's dad) beating drums on the town hall lawn sometimes. And of course if you go on a whale watch you may find me (Dolphin VII).
Good luck on your race! Hope you have a nice vacation! And Happy Birthday to your wife!
Great pictures, Jeff! We could use some of that rain you've been getting. I hope the run goes well, and the traveling. Happy 4th and happy vacation!
Thanks for the comments. I think I have had enough of the rain though it does make for interesting effects as the clouds move around the mountains. If only one could keep it from making the lawn grow so fast.
It is raining again this morning. I have my number and t-shirt and in a couple of hours go get the timing chip. A first race in the rain? Never done that, though as an adult I have never run a race period. Only biked one. Should be interesting.
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