Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tilling the earth of the soul

This is a time of the year that I try to focus on being more mindful, meditative and contemplative. Forcing myself to slow down, I try to be especially observant of my surroundings and of all the very small pieces that make it up; regaining vision through the eye of a child.

Reflection is not always an easy process as it often digs up "old stuff" that is much easier and simpler for me to keep buried. But tilling the earth of the soul is good and exposing feelings and hurts that lie deep adds air and nutrients for new growth. I totally enjoy the stillness; of being part of the presence that is around me and the process is always restorative.

The change in seasons and the awakening that occurs brings encouragement that out of dormancy and death can come something new and the ability to change and adapt and grow never ends regardless of age.

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