Thursday, August 13, 2009


I'm out for a 3.5 mile run on a long stretch of road where you usually run on the side of the road. Up ahead in the distance I see a car coming. Behind me, also in the distance, I hear another car coming.

What are the odds that both cars will meet at exactly the same spot that I am at -with me still running forward?

You'd be surprised that the odds are actually pretty good and it usually happens at least once every time I am on this route. Fortunately no one goes too fast and I am usually able to move to the side on the shoulder.

Why don't I have those odds when I buy a lottery ticket?


janet said...

We have SO many runners, walkers, and bikers here, and I always seem to reach them at the same time that another driver is doing the same from the other direction... so I would agree with you. My oldest son's driver ed class back in Wisconsin stressed "separating the hazards", which would mean slowing up & passing the runner/biker/walker after the other vehicle has passed him. I'll have to remember to do that. Our roads aren't very wide.

Unknown said...

You know, I have been having that EXACT same thought lately.
I have recently changed my route and it seems that either there are no cars in site, or they come at once and are passing me in both directions at the same time. FUNNY!
Hope your summer is going well.
I have been out of the blog loop for most of the summer (but I still manage to occasionally take a peek).
We are planning to try to come to your neck of the woods maybe this weekend- or next (Kenver tent sale) and to poke around a bit and of course that great Mexican restaurant. We've never been to the Berkshires in the summer. Hope the traffic is better than here!