Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Dancing Balloons

A few days ago I was leaving work, the usual jockeying and pushing to get on the highway and then quickly move over to the far lane I needed to be in for a cut off. Its always a challenge and I often am cursing some car under my breath because I can't get in.

Then I rounded the bended up ahead it could see several balloons. [small party ones: yellow, orange, red] bouncing along the road at car level. The air currents of the rushing cars caused them to dance and bounce, never hitting ground they flew up and swooped then dropped with each passing car.

I found myself immediately lighten a bit and it made me smile.

Why is this? Was the absolute freedom of flight? Was it the whimsical way these appeared and then disappeared in my rear view mirror? Where did they come from?

I would have wished to have watched them a while longer but very shortly they were right up to me and then quickly passed by, amusing someone else farther back.

Balloons have a way of making people smile. From the smallest child they seem to brighten our moods in ways hard to explain. Thank you balloons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree there is something magical about a balloon bouncing along in the wind, Very carefree. Ever notice how many heads will go up when a hellium balloon escapes?